Let’s get started with your meal budgeting. You need to create and fund a  meal plan. Jiggle provides you with two kinds of meal plans: a fixed plan and a flexible plan.

When creating a fixed plan, you set a daily limit (number of times you eat in a day and the amount per meal). Once you have exhausted this balance for a particular day, you can no longer make payment for meals from that plan till the next day. Hence, the fixed plan restricts you from spending beyond the daily limit hence helping you stay within your budget.

A flexible plan, on the other hand, allows for more adjustability so you can spend as much as there is a need to.

To create and fund a fixed plan, follow the steps below 

  • Once you have signed in, you will see a screen like the one below with the button that reads “Create a fixed plan”

  • Click that button. You will see the following screen

  • Enter a  plan name

  • Select the number of meals you want to eat per day and enter the amount per meal. This is your daily limit. Click NEXT

Important to note: You cannot change a fixed plan daily limit once you have successfully created the plan. 

  • Enter the amount you want to fund the plan with and click NEXT 

  • Now you have to add your payment card. Click Use a new card 

  • Review your payment details and click Confirm payment

  • Add your card details (card name, card number, expiration date, and CVV) and click fund wallet to credit your plan wallet

You have successfully created and funded your fixed meal plan

  • Click Back to Wallet to view your wallet